Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Notebook Heaven.

I have to give a big thumbs up to Nickie for her recommended links. The Letters of Note blog is most certainly of major interest to me and probably to other academics and the Plannerisms - well what can I say! I didn't know there were other notebook nerds out there to match my excesses, yet it seems there are some who are WORSE! Yes I know I didn't think that were possible either but it appears so. I have no idea how to hypertext my blog so I am afraid anyone watching (that'll be me then) will simply have to scroll down and click on the Plannerisms link on the right hand side. Not too onerous - even for me.

O.M.G. Moleskine have the most amazing range of planners and diaries coming out soon. I love my 18month planner - however the one disadvantage is I have to have the same book for 18 months! And I do like a new notebook or 12!

Still I m having fun finding all sorts of different notebooks though Moleskine still remains my firmest favourite of them all - just the texture and the smell, I don't know there is something about them! Yummy!


1 comment:

  1. It's the downward spiral of having so much to read (other blogs) there's never enough time for anything else (except stationery).

    PS - thanks for linking my blog x


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