Thursday 15 October 2009

A day of two halves

Well today was the first forum session of the semester. A good turn out and three papers, all of which were thought provoking and stimulating. Although hit is never a good thing when your tummy is rumbling all the way through the session - barely audible but still threatening to let a roaring growl out at some inappropriate moment of stillness!

And not only was the session fairly successful - if you discount the miniscule response in the Q&A (must work on the formatting of this session to get more discussion going) - but I came back to discover a friend on Facebook had blogged a cartoon from a site called PHD - piled higher and deeper - a humorous site looking at the life and times of PhD students. Now life isn't perfect , the site is American! Like everything in life you can't escape the stateside effect - but it is FUNNY!!!!!

That makes me sound like am a bit anti American, nothing could be further than the truth! I'd happily move there tomorrow if they'd have me! But the humour can sometimes be very different and I don't often find American 'funnies' all that, well, funny! But this site is -well for lack of a better word - funny! :D

I am so limited in my knowledge of what's 'out there' - other people are all clued up on their researching resources, their humour, their social life - and yet I am like Moses in the wilderness waiting for some divine pronouncement to lift me from the mediocrity!!

AH! Slowly slowly - I'll get there!

Epiphany moment in forum regarding the structure and approach to the 3rd chapter on Blast!!! Hopefully I am getting there!

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